Use drones for large-scale surveys with unmatched data quality!

Use drones for large-scale surveys with unmatched data quality! That too survey done quite speedily and also drone based survey saves huge cost. Alada is expert at creating 2D/3D based on drone survey point files.

Drones are being used day by day more for large construction projects, land surveys.

Drones are also comely deployed for:

  • Surveying of mines
  • Agricultural lands
  • Surveying Hill tops, contours, and difficult terrains
  • Survey for mid and large size city residential, commercial and industrial projects.

Drones can fly higher with high resolution, 20+ MP cameras, so you capture more ground and get more detail with every picture and also larger area is covered per flight.

Please contact and we will get in touch with you to understand your 3D Civil Drafting needs. For more information, please visit our website

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